Childcare Teaching & Educational Development

Emma Edge

Nursery Nurse at Kings and Queens Nursery.


  1. A Nursery Nurse at Kings and Queens Nursery.

  2. Childcare Level 2 and 3.

  3. Hillside High School, Bootle.

Emma said:

I was apprehensive about starting at College but once I got there, I knew I’d made the right choice.

The course was so interesting and was good fun. I made loads of new friends and the skills I learnt really helped me when I moved on to work full time.

As part of the course, you learn about all aspects of caring for children and you also attend placement. The placement aspect was really good because I actually got to work with youngsters and I was able to build up contacts in the industry. It’s because of my placement that I landed the job I’m currently in!

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