We’re passionate about enabling a safe, positive and inclusive community across our entire College, and we’re committed to supporting the diversity of our students, teachers, staff and visitors. We’re proud to support the LGBT+ community.

A safe and supportive environment
At Hugh Baird College, we’re committed to promoting and safeguarding all the characteristics of the Equality Act 2010.
Several of these are in respect to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Plus community. We do not tolerate any discrimination on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnerships, or gender reassignment.
We want Hugh Baird College to be a safe and supportive environment for every individual.
Our Student Services team (The POD) has been rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, and we provide a whole host of dedicated help and advice to anyone in the LGBT+ community. Our advisers are specially training in transgender awareness to provide support through a transition journey.
If you feel like you have been the victim of a hate crime, you can access the 'Stop Hate UK' button from the desktop on any computer in Hugh Baird College.
Your concern goes straight to the Hate Crime reporting services in your local area. Alternatively, you can visit the Stop Hate UK website.
We work in partnership with these services and with the Sigma Unit of Merseyside Police and together, we will be able to take a collaborative approach to stop hate crime in our local area.
You can also always speak to Student Services if you ever feel unfairly treated, intimidated or bullied in any way. Or, you can send a confidential message to the safeguarding officers at Hugh Baird College by emailing
Students who would like support with gender or sexuality can access The POD Student Services, which offers;
- A safe, positive and inclusive space for LGBT+ students.
- Support with sexual orientation, sexuality and gender identity.
- Family support resources.
- Support from a range of external partner organisations.
- LGBT+ student group.
- 42% of LGBT+ school pupils have been bullied in the past year, double the number of non-LGBT+ pupils (21%).
- Half of LGBT students hear homophobic slurs 'frequently' or 'often' at school.
Taken from Just Like Us Growing Up LGBT+ (2021), The School Report (2017) and The Teachers’ Report (2014).
Two in five LGBT students (42%) have hidden their identity at university for fear of discrimination.
More than a third of trans students (36%) and seven per cent of lesbian, gay and bi students who aren’t trans faced negative comments or conduct from university staff because they’re LGBT.
Students intend to be more open about their sexual orientation and gender identity in higher education, with overall levels of openness increasing from 64% at school to an expected 82% at university or college. When researching university choices, around a third (31%) of LGBT+ students paid specific attention to LGBT+ services. These included mental health support services (47% extremely interested) and university or college reputation in equality and diversity (46% extremely interested). 30% were extremely interested in LGBT+ societies and 21% were extremely interested in support networks for LGBT+ students.
Taken from LGBT in Britain: University (2018) and Next Steps: What is the experience of LGBT+ students in education? (2021)
These facts show that LGBT+ phobia still exists. At Hugh Baird College we don’t want any of our students to be part of these statistics. This is why we are committed to being an inclusive environment for everyone including those that fall into a protected characteristic. We do this by embedding an inclusive culture into our practice, for example all staff and students wear rainbow lanyards to show commitment and support and LGBT+ inclusivity is embedded into our policies and procedures.
At Hugh Baird College, we are committed to diversity and inclusion. We would like all our students to experience a safe and happy learning environment, free from bullying and harassment.
We are proud to support our LGBT+ students, and are currently working toward the Rainbow Flag Award, through The Proud Trust, which demonstrates our commitment to our LGBT+ learners. The Proud Trust is a youth organisation who work primarily with LGBT+ young people.
We have a wealth of support available, cross-College events and workshops, and through our LGBT+ Champions, we are increasing visibility so students know when, where and how to access support. We also work with – and sign-post learners to – partner organisations for support outside of College hours.
For more information, contact Janine Hopewell on or call on 0151 353 4462.
We’re always looking for student advocates to take a more active role in the promotion of LGBT+ issues across Hugh Baird College.
Join our LGBT+ focus group by emailing
Local Support Groups
Along with support at the College, we can recommend lots of other local groups that can be a great place to get additional help, support or guidance for students, parents and carers. If you don’t wish to attend a group, you can also call Merseyside LGBT foundation support line on 0345 330 3030 for advice and support.
Sefton Sexual Health Service provide sexual health services across the communities of Sefton. The service is free and confidential for everyone and they offer a choice of walk-in or appointment clinics, along with designated under 25 only sessions.
You can state your preference to be seen by either male or female staff, and the service will do their best to accommodate your wishes based on staff availability.
The services they provide include all contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatments including HIV, free condoms and pregnancy tests.
In addition, Sefton Sexual Health Service also have referral clinics for psycho-sexual counselling and erectile dysfunction. Community gynaecology is available in South Sefton by GP referral. The clinic service is supported by a clinical outreach service (referral only) and sexual health promotion team.
Call 01704 513 303 for more information.
For young people who have identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or questioning their sexuality. Aged 11-23.
Call 07479 657 135 or email for more information.
The Armistead is a free and confidential sexual health promotion service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) people and for male and female sex workers.
For further information or about groups held at Armistead please call Armistead’s Helpline on 0151 247 6560.
LGBT Foundation, formerly known as The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (The LGF), is a national charity delivering a wide range of services to lesbian, gay and bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.
Their aim is to achieve change with and on behalf of LGBT people and continue to meet their needs by providing vital services.
Visit LGBT Foundation for more information.