Equality, Diversity & Disability
Hugh Baird College is an inclusive learning environment. We promote equality, social inclusion and regeneration in everything that we do, and we want to ensure every student has a great experience with us.

Our commitment to you
As a College and an organisation, we are committed to equality and diversity across the board by providing the same opportunities to every individual regardless of their background or their disability.
We want to make sure all our learners have the skills and knowledge they need to work in a diverse and multi-cultural society, sharing in our attitudes and values when they leave Hugh Baird College.
We’re focused on supporting those with learning difficulties or physical disabilities, those who are from under-represented groups, and those who are at a social or economic disadvantage. And we’re passionate about narrowing the gaps in achievement between different learner groups.
Equality & Diversity
We promote equality & diversity across all our provisions, and we ensure that our teaching and learning positively represents different groups from within society. We welcome applications from all communities and will not tolerate any form of discrimination at Hugh Baird College.
Equality is often defined as treating everyone the same. True equality means treating everyone differently in order to treat them the same.
Diversity is about recognising, valuing and taking account of people's different backgrounds, knowledge, skills, and experiences, and encouraging and using those differences to create a productive and effective educational community and workforce.
Equality and diversity covers any issue which could result in less favourable treatment to an individual or group of individuals based on for example their disability, gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief etc.
Develop and improve our responses and learning provision to under-represented groups. We will aim to increase participation and improve community cohesion
Develop responses to address social and economic disadvantage. We will develop and deliver projects that seek to engage hard to reach learners
Narrow the gaps in achievement between different groups of learners. We will provide timely support to enable curriculum teams to respond positively to under-achievement
Ensure our learners are well-equipped with the skills and knowledge to live and work in a diverse and multi-cultural society.
The Equality Act protects against discrimination on the following grounds:
- Age
- Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Religion or belief
- Sexual orientation
- Disability
- Marriage and civil partnership Race
- Sex comments
- Leering
- Ridicule
- Isolation
- Offensive language
- Obscene gestures
- Slander
- Sarcasm
- Posters
- Spying
- Physical contact
- Unwanted sexual advances
- Victimisation
- Deliberately ignoring someone
- Setting unattainable targets at work
- Unfounded criticism
- Gossip
- Pestering
- Stalking
In addition, bullying, harassment or victimization are also regarded as equality and diversity issues.
Discrimination could be direct or indirect, and both are covered by equality & diversity legislation.
- Direct - Where one person is treated less favourably than another is, has been or will be treated in a comparable situation.
- Indirect - Where an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice will put persons at a disadvantage, compared with other persons.
We make sure we’re in a position to help every single student, regardless of the challenges they might be facing. We have specialist tutors, modern support software, highly-trained support staff and bespoke learning plans all available throughout the College.
Specialist Tutors
Our tutors are specialists in teaching students with Autism, Visual Impairments, Hearing Impairments and Dyslexia. Our team also consists of signers qualified to the highest level.
Specialist Software
We have SuperNova, JAWS, Read and Write, Inspirations, MindView and a full range of inclusive technology available in College and on loan.
- Supernova is a full screen reader that offers magnification, speech and Braille support, giving learners with visual impairments the freedom to access computer programs in the way that suits them best.
- JAWS is a computer screen reader program for Microsoft Windows that allows blind and visually impaired learners to read the screen either with a text-to-speech output or by a Braille display.
- Read & Write is a dyslexic-friendly program that plays an audio voice of any text that has been highlighted on the screen. It also features a thesaurus, a dictionary and provides examples of when to use homophones. The StudySkills toolbar allows learners to improve their organisation and research skills.
- Inspirations and MindView is a mind-mapping program to assist dyslexic students plan assignments and organise their thoughts onto paper.
Support Plans
Support plans are agreed between the students, the support staff and Study Programme Coordinators and remain flexible throughout the year.
In-class Academic Support Worker
This support can be offered on a one-to-one basis or as part of a small group. The Academic Support Worker (ASW) can help with note-taking, prompting, recapping the tutor's instructions and any practical activities. They can also help students with mobility problems in a classroom environment.
Additional Teaching Support Session
This is provided by a fully qualified support tutor on a one-to-one basis or as part of a small group. These sessions can help with reading, spelling, writing, homework, assignments, essays and improving your confidence. We can also use these sessions as specific support with a learning difficulty, for example, techniques to help dyslexic students improve their abilities.
Care Support
We have a fully qualified and experienced Care Team which support students before and after classes, during breaks and during lunch. We can support students' personal care needs and provide mobility assistance. The Care Team can also help students settle into college life for the first few weeks until they make new friends.
Course Fees
In accordance with guidelines from the Education Funding Agency (EFA), students who are aged 19+ with learning difficulties/disabilities can be offered a funded place on a Level 1 programme if they have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC).
Exam Concessions
With supporting evidence, we can help students apply for exam concessions such as extra time, large print, the use of a reader or a scribe, and many other types of concessions.
Local Offer Information
The Children and Families Act 2014 requires Local Authorities to develop and maintain a ‘Local Offer’ of services for children and young people with special educational needs. This document provides necessary information about what additional support Hugh Baird College offers. Download our local offer.