Darren Curran
Software Developer at Clientwire.

Software Developer at Clientwire.
FdSc Computing.
Hillside High School, Bootle.
In the next five years I see myself in more of a management position most likely C.T.O., delegating tasks, checking code is up to a high standard and keeping projects running smoothly and on time.
Darren said: The course helped me by teaching me various methods and techniques of problem solving and coding that can be applied to my job role.
Studying at the Hugh Baird University Centre has made me a lot more confident in my abilities to work through problems and get the job done. I am constantly pushing myself to do better and achieve better things.
The tutors are very accommodating and friendly, offering helpful advice and guidance when needed, always willing to listen and help with any situation. For that I can’t thank them enough.
Darren's advice: Do it, you may surprise yourself with what you are capable of achieving!