Keep up to date with the latest news from Hugh Baird College.
Hugh Baird College apprentice shortlisted for a national healthcare award
A Hugh Baird College and Aintree University Hospital apprentice has been shortlisted for the national '2019 Our Health Heroes Clinical Support Worker of the Year Award'.
Hugh Baird University Centre undergraduate puts his newly learnt skills to use
Yana Williams prepares to leave Hugh Baird College
Students seek to tackle loneliness and isolation in Merseyside
Photography graduate secures position at one of the UK's leading photography exhibition spaces
Bright futures ahead for Hugh Baird College GCSE students
Nursery Nurse makes a life changing decision to be a Motor Cycle Mechanic
Student travels more than 3,000 miles to train for dream career
Graduate who returned to education after twenty years graduates with a first class honours at the Hugh Baird University Centre
A-level student wins place on prestigious Higher Apprenticeship programme
A-level students exceed expectations once again at our South Sefton Campus
University Centre Graduate is a finalist for the 2019 Positive Awards
Josie gives her career goals a workout
Hugh Baird College A-level Art and Design students win first place
Hugh Baird College students honoured at annual Awards Evening
Hugh Baird College makes a BIG impact on students’ lives
Students work to be displayed in one of the UK’s top art exhibition spaces