A-level students exceed expectations once again at our South Sefton Campus
Hugh Baird College students and staff at their Sixth Form Centre were in a celebratory mood today after yet another impressive set of A-level results.

The College’s A-level pass rate has increased to 99% with an impressive 47% of students achieving grades A* to B and 75% of students achieving A* to C, with a perfect 100% pass rate in 17 out of 19 A-level subjects on offer at the campus. Further to this an impressive 100% pass rate at BTEC was secured, with 72% of students achieving Distinction or Distinction*.
Since Hugh Baird College took over the management of South Sefton Sixth Form in December 2017, the academic progress that students make has significantly improved. 2017 A-level results placed the College within the 40th to 59th percentile nationally, using the nationally recognised and government endorsed progress methodology – Alps. The College is extremely pleased to report anticipated improvement that places the College within the top 10% of Colleges nationally for progress. In addition to this phenomenal achievement, the proportion of students who stay at the College and complete has also increased to an above national average of 97.8%.
Due to these excellent results, many students will now be progressing onto study higher education at some of the most prestigious universities in the country including London Imperial College, the University of Hull and the University of York. Alternatively, some students are progressing onto degree level apprenticeships or full time employment.
Amy Kelley, A-level English Literature, Media and BTEC Art and Design student, said:
My time at Hugh Baird College has been amazing, I’ve really enjoyed my time here at the South Sefton campus. The College has a whole has really enhanced my learning experience, my tutors have supported me every step of the way. Today I achieved A* A D* meaning I will be studying English Literature at Edge Hill University to one day become an English Literature teacher.
Marcia Bakker, A-level Psychology, Sociology and BTEC Applied Law student, said:
When I left high school I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do next, my time at Hugh Baird College has really helped me to figure out what career path I want to take. At first I didn’t see myself going to university and there was a time when I really didn’t want to be in college, but my tutors have always supported me no matter what. My second year was great and gave me opportunities which have strongly influenced my choices for the future. Now I’ve achieved A A D* and feeling extremely proud, my next step is to study Criminology and Psychology at Edge Hill University.
Jessica Lam, A-level Biology, Chemistry and Psychology student, said:
My journey studying my A-levels has been a real roller coaster, at first I found the leap from GCSE to A-levels very difficult. However, the support I received from not only staff, but the new friends I’d made was amazing. You are allowed to be independent, yet are supported when you need it the most. I am over the moon about my results, I achieved A* A* A and will be studying Medicine at Hull York Medical School.
Patrick McBride, A-level Media, Drama & Theatre and BTEC Applied Law student, said:
I loved my time at Hugh Baird College, every day felt like a new adventure. The creative freedom I was given when studying Media and Drama & Theatre was unbelievable, it really helped me develop my confidence in my own work and ideas. I wouldn’t have achieved A B D* without the help and support from Daniel, my Teaching Assistant, who has been with me every step of the way. I can’t wait to start studying LLB Law at Edge Hill University in September.
Joe Poole, Director of Curriculum at Hugh Baird College’s Sixth Form Centre, said:
I'm absolutely delighted with our A-Level and BTEC results, once again students at the South Sefton campus of Hugh Baird College have excelled and they should be immensely proud of their achievements. I would like to thank the teaching staff and support staff at the South Sefton campus for their continued hard work, dedication and willingness to go above and beyond for our students. I would also like to congratulate our amazing students and wish them the very best of luck in their next steps.
For more information on A-level courses at Hugh Baird College, please visit: https://www.hughbaird.ac.uk/a-levels or to apply to join for September please visit: https://www.hughbaird.ac.uk/application-alevel or alternatively call 0151 353 4444.
Image features (left to right) Amy Kelley, Patrick McBride, Marcia Bakker and Jessica Lam.