Results - Latest Information
We know that that things have been very different this year with regard to how and when you may have received your results. So if you have any questions about this process, please see below for some further guidance on next your next steps.

Appeals Process
Below are the steps you should take if you are unhappy with the grade you achieved for your A-level or GCSE.
Stage 1 – Centre Reviews
This is the first stage of the appeals process in summer 2021. You may submit a request for a Centre Review on the grounds that the centre has:
- failed to follow its procedures properly or consistently in arriving at that result, or
- made an administrative error in relation to the result
Requests for appeals on the grounds of academic judgement (unreasonableness) will only be considered by awarding organisations (at Stage Two) and not by the College.
To decide whether to request a review, you may request access to the following details on results day:
- the College’s policy
- the sources of evidence used to determine the student’s grade, along with the
- marks/grades associated with them
- details of any variations in evidence used based on disruption to what that student was taught
- details of any special circumstances that have been considered in determining their grade, e.g. access arrangements/reasonable adjustments or mitigating circumstances such as illness
It is recommended that requests for Centre Reviews are made by:
- 16 August 2021 (priority appeals - for those applying to higher education who did not attain their firm choice, i.e. the offer they accepted as their first choice, and wish to appeal an A-level or other Level 3 qualification result)
- 3 September 2021 (in all other cases).
This will enable the college to meet the deadlines to submit appeals to awarding organisations. A Centre Review must be completed and an outcome reported to the student before an appeal can be submitted to the awarding organisation. Centre reviews which are not submitted by these dates may lead to appeals not being completed in time for those with a higher education place dependent on the outcome of the appeal.
After consideration, should you wish to request a Centre Review, you should complete the Stage One section of the Student Request Form and return the form to
You will receive the result of your Centre Review by return of this form to your email.
Should you then wish to progress to the next stage of an appeal, this must be undertaken by completing the Stage Two section of the Student Request Form and return the form to
The College will ensure that the Stage Two appeal is submitted to the awarding organisation.