Michelle Kenny
Studying a healthcare degree at University.

Studying a healthcare degree at University.
Access to Higher Education - Healthcare.
Sacred Heart Catholic College, Crosby.
Working with learning disabilities in the community or a School.
Michelle said: I decided to come back to education as I wanted to progress further in my career. Hugh Baird College looked like the best College for me. The Access to Higher Education - Healthcare course offered me the opportunity to improve my grades over one year and then start my first year of University to study and one day become a Learning Disability Nurse.
Studying the course has made me so much more confident in my abilities alongside the amazing friends I’ve made for life. It can be tough returning to education as it can be very fast paced, however it is extremely rewarding when you realise you can do it.
The course tutor was fantastic, she is extremely supportive, helpful and understanding.
Michelle's advice: It's never too late to come back to education.