Access to Higher Education

Emma Burge

Studying a degree in Nursing at university.


  1. Studying a degree in Nursing at university.

  2. Access to Higher Education - Healthcare.

  3. Maricourt High School, Maghull.

  4. Completing my degree in university and hopefully working within the Trauma Unit, which I hope to specialise in.

Emma said:

I had always wanted to become a nurse but like with a lot of things life took over! I had my son and my job was being a full-time mum. But now my son is a bit older, I felt the time was right to do something for me, so I enrolled on the Access to Higher Education course in Health and Social Care.

I’m not going to lie, it was a bit scary, but I knew I needed to take that important first step if I was going to go on to study nursing at university. I’m so proud of myself for doing it. I really feel like I’m pursuing my dream.

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