Chloe Fogg
Studying a degree in Special Education (Combined with Early Years) at Liverpool Hope University.

Studying a degree in Special Education (Combined with Early Years) at Liverpool Hope University.
Early Years Education and Care (Early Years Educator) - Technical Diploma - Level 3.
Litherland High School.
I hope to be working with young children who have special needs.
Chloe said: I decided to study the Early Years Education and Care (Early Years Educator) - Technical Diploma - Level 3 course at Hugh Baird College, as I knew studying here would provide me with the education and experience, needed to work within the childcare sector in the future.
I was really impressed by the facilities and tutor knowledge when I came to the Open Evening and I knew then, this was the place for me. I have been offered a place to study a degree in Special Education (Combined with Early Years) at Liverpool Hope University and gain the qualifications needed to allow me to work with young children with special needs.
The course at Hugh Baird College has helped me gain more confidence, social skills and new friendships. I have also gained work experience at multiple organisations working with different age ranges in the different early year settings. I found my tutors to be very helpful and always there to support you every step of the way to ensure we meet our full potential.
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