Abbie Walker
An apprentice at Kids Planet children's nursery.

An apprentice at Kids Planet children's nursery.
Learning for Life and Supported Internship programme.
Sacred Heart Catholic College, Crosby.
Abbie, from Crosby, completed her school studies at Sacred Heart Catholic College and subsequently joined Hugh Baird College in 2016 to study their Learning for Life study programme. Abbie successfully completed the course and when deciding her next step, she considered following a career related to a passion of hers – looking after children.
When an opportunity to study a Supported Internship programme with a local children’s nursery was offered by her tutors, Abbie jumped at the chance and in September 2021, now aged 20, she started the programme with Kids Planet nursery in Crosby.
Supported Internships are a structured study programme based primarily at an employer’s premises. They help young people aged 16-24 with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to achieve employment by equipping them with the skills they need for work, through learning in the workplace.
Abbie excellent during her internship at Kids Planet, so much so that her managers at the nursery offered her a Nursery Practitioner Level 2 apprenticeship with the company, which she gratefully accepted.
Abbie said:
My tutors Kim Brennan and Catherine Kennedy were simply incredible. They pushed me to achieve my full potential and supported me throughout my studies. They instilled in me the self-belief to reach for my goal of working in the childcare sector, and I’m extremely thankful to them for helping me achieve it.
Looking after children has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I absolutely love working at Kids Planet. The staff have been really welcoming and made me feel at home straightaway.