5 ways to have a stress-free Results Day
GCSE, A-level and T-level/BTEC Results Days are just around the corner. Waiting for your results can be really stressful, but don’t worry! We’ve got some top tips and advice on how to cope and keep calm.
Stress is completely normal and something most students go through, especially on Results Days. In fact, picking up your results can sometimes be more stressful than taking exams!
We’ve put together some tips to help you deal with your feelings before and on your Results Day. We hope these help.
1. Know the details
The best place to start is with the day itself. Stress can often come from not knowing what’s going to happen and when.
- A-level and T-level/BTEC results are released on 17 August 2023.
- GCSE results are issued on 24 August 2023.
2. Make a plan
One thing that can help you manage your anxiety in the run-up to results day is to have a plan. Planning out the day from start to finish can help ease this stress and let your mind relax. It’s also one less thing to worry about in the morning and gives you some control back too. Think about the moment you find out your results and consider what you need to do next.
Results don’t always go to plan and you might not get the grades you need. If this is the case, don't worry! There are always alternative options available to you and here at Hugh Baird College, we make it a priority to find a course to suit you. If you do get the grades you expected, think of a way to celebrate with friends and family.
3. You don't have to open your results with others
On Results Day, there can be a lot of pressure from your classmates to open your results all at the same time and share what you got, but that doesn't mean you have to. To avoid this, collect your results and open them at home to avoid any anxiety.
4. Talk about it
It's absolutely normal to feel stressed or worried, and everyone around you will understand this. It’s important to realise that you’re not going through this alone – many of your classmates and friends will also be feeling anxious about getting their results.
Talking with people you’re close to about how you’re feeling can help. Not only does it give you the chance to identify what you’re worried about, but it also helps you to start making plans for various outcomes. Your friends and family can also give you some perspective and help share the weight of any stress you are experiencing.
5. Who to contact if you need help
If you are extremely stressed or anxious and need to talk to a professional, picking up your phone or an online chat with someone you don’t know can seem like a weird thing to do. But if you’re feeling this way, talking can help, especially with someone who is fully trained and won’t judge you in any way.
Childline provides help for anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. Call 0800 1111 or visit www.childline.org.uk
Anxiety UK is a user-led organisation that supports anyone with anxiety, phobias, panic attacks or other anxiety-related disorders. Call 03444 775 774, text 07537 416 905 or visit www.anxietyuk.org.uk
Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop. Visit www.kooth.com
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. Call 116 123 or visit www.samaritans.org
Final thoughts
Results Day stress and anxiety doesn’t have to define your summer. There will always be a positive outcome from the day no matter what your results are. Enjoy your summer and good luck!