When and how results are being issued
Results days are nearly upon us and here you can find how to receive your results and information about grade awarding. Good luck, we’re rooting for you!

Stop Press:
On Wednesday 19th August, the Pearson awarding body made a national announcement that they would not publish any results for BTEC Level1/2 Tech Awards, BTEC Level 2 Technicals and BTEC 1/2 Firsts. Pearson also announced that they were withholding the reissuing of level 3 BTEC (QCF and RQF) grades. As soon as we know when these grades will be issued, we will announce it here.
Please do not worry if you have not been issued with some of your results. The College will ensure that you are not disadvantaged by this and that you will still be able to be placed on the course you were expecting to should you have received your results as normal.
On Monday 17 August, the Government announced that published grades for A level and GCSEs would now be based on the Centre Assessed Grades (CAG) that were produced by your staff earlier in the year. If a student has already been issued with an actual grade and this proves to be higher than the CAG, then the original higher grade would count. GCSE grades based on this approach will be published on Thursday 20 August and revised A level grades will be issued shortly afterwards.
At the time of writing, it is unclear as to whether students who have taken other technical and vocational qualifications (such as City and Guilds, CACHE, etc.) will also have their CAG used as their final grade or whether the original method by which these grades were intended to be awarded will remain in place. As soon the more information is published about this then the College will let you know.
We are also aware that some students would not have had a CAG produced for their course as your awarding body asked for further work to be completed over the summer to enable a qualification to be gained. Provided this work was completed we are still expecting these results to be issued to you as normal, but we will continue to respond to the latest guidance and update
When and how results are being issued
A-levels (13 August)
- You will be contacted and given a specific time from 9am to pick up your results.
BTEC Level 3 (13 August)
- You will be emailed your results at 8:30am to your college email account.
GCSE (20 August)
- You can pick up your results any time from 9am to 12pm. Come to the Balliol building reception.
- You will also be emailed your results at 8:30am to college email account.
14-16 College (20 August)
- You will be contacted and given a specific time from 9am to pick up your results.
BTEC Level 1
- You will be emailed your results to your college email account as soon as we receive them.
BTEC Level 2
- You will be emailed your results to your college email account as soon as we receive them.
Any other qualification results
- You will be emailed your results to your college email account as and when we receive them.
Any physical certificates will be posted out to you the next day, if they are not collected in person.
If you don’t achieve the results you wanted/need, don’t worry, our POD Student Services Careers Advisors are available to help you with your next steps. You can either email careers@hughbaird.ac.uk or start a live chat on our website.
Frequently Asked Questions
I was issued with my A-level results last week. When will I find out my updated results based on the Centre Assessed Grades (CAG)?
We will formally issue you with your final A level results based on your CAGs as soon as possible. Should you wish to know your CAG then please contact your staff. Please remember that should your CAG be lower than the grade you were issued last week, the higher grade will count to ensure that you have not been disadvantaged.
I received my GCSE grades on the 20th August. Will these be my final grades?
Yes. The result that is being issued to you on the 20th will be the highest of your CAG and the grade that was produced by the awarding body. This grade will be your final issued grade.
How was my Centre Assessed Grade (CAG) obtained?
During the spring, your staff produced a Centre Assessed Grade (CAG) for each subject that you were studying and these were sent to the examination board. The CAGs were produced after analysing evidence such as:
- mock examination results
- grades obtained from earlier units
- review grades issued earlier in the year
- estimated grades
- work completed in class.
In many subject areas, your CAG was also placed in rank order with all other students at the College who were studying the same qualification.
Each CAG and ranking were then checked by a number of managers at the College for quality assurance purposes before being sent away to the examination board.
Please note that the process outlined above has meant that your CAG was not produced solely by your teachers but has involved many staff at the College and we believe that we were able to assess grades with a high degree of accuracy, using information from the staff who know you well. As a College we believe that the CAGs you will be issued with are an accurate and fair reflection of how you would have been expected to perform had you been able to fully complete your course.
Will I be awarded the Centre Assessed Grade that the College sent off to the exam board?
GCSE and A levels students will now receive the higher of their CAG or their awarding body grade as their published grade, and this was the change that was announced on Monday 17 August. BTEC qualifications are adopting a similar process. At the time of writing, it is still unclear whether students who have taken other technical and vocational qualifications (such as City and Guilds, CACHE, etc.) will also have their CAG used as their published grade or whether the original method by which these grades were intended to be awarded will remain in place.
When are results being issued?
A-level results and level 3 BTEC results are being issued on Thursday 13th August. GCSE results are being issued on Thursday 20th August. On Wednesday 19th August Pearson announced that level 1 and level 2 BTEC results would be delayed and will now not be published on Thursday 20th August. We will let you know as soon as possible when the delayed BTEC results will be issued.
Will I definitely receive my result on these dates?
Detail is provided about the delay to BTEC results. Whilst the vast majority of other results will be issued to students on either the 13th or the 20th August, national announcements over the last few days may mean that some results will need to be reissued. As stated above, the GCSE results that students receive on 20th August will be their final grades and will not need to be reissued.
A small number of additional students may not receive results on these dates as the relevant awarding body asked for students to do further work over the summer to enable a qualification to be gained. If you have done this work, then you should receive your results but is it possible that your result may be issued a little later. If you have not yet completed the work that the awarding body has asked, then you will not receive your result and you should liaise with college staff who will arrange for you to complete any outstanding work that is needed.
Will I be able to appeal the final grades I have obtained?
There will be an appeal process but, at the time of writing, exact details of this have not been made clear. Should you be unhappy with your grade then please speak to your staff in the first instance. When more is known about the appeal process, we will publish it here.