This Girl Can!
Hugh Baird College Level 3 Sport student, Isabelle Livesley, has recently been selected to be the College’s Association of Colleges (AoC) Sport ‘This Girl Can’ Ambassador.

AoC Sport have launched the ‘This Girl Can’ campaign to inspire and motivate females to become more active but also to improve mental wellbeing and positive thinking.
Isabelle said:
I am delighted to have been chosen as the College’s ‘This Girl Can’ ambassador. I have always loved being active and ultimately aim to one day become a personal training instructor in the Royal Air Force.
I feel it’s crucial that females feel empowered and don’t feel self-conscious or anxious about undertaking sport or any physical activities.
In order to undertake the role, Isabelle undertook extensive training provided by Sport England.
Isabelle added:
Throughout the training for the role, we learnt about the physical part of the role, but there was also a lot of emphasis on the mental health benefits being active can provide.
Cath Sullivan, Vice Principal of People Organisational Development & Culture, said:
As a College we provide an extensive range of services for all our learners and staff in order to support their mental and physical health. Mental health is unlike physical injuries or illnesses as it is unseen and for some time there has been an unnecessary stigma surrounding asking for help. Gladly, I feel that as an organisation, we are breaking down these barriers. The ‘This Girl Can’ Ambassador role is another example of how we are supporting our learners to understand the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle I wish Isabelle well in this important role.
Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps enhance sleep patterns and boosts overall mood. Many research programmes have indicated that modest amounts of exercise can make a big difference.
Adam Broomhead, Hugh Baird College Sports Maker, said:
Isabelle is the College’s first ever ‘This Girl Can’ Ambassador, the initiative is in its second year and aims to reduce barriers to participation for under-represented groups, especially females. Isabelle, alongside College staff, will help deliver more sport and physical activity to all College students and develop new ideas and initiatives to drive up female participation in College.
For more information on Sport, Exercise and Fitness courses at Hugh Baird College, please visit: or alternatively call 0151 353 4444.