Hugh Baird University Alumnus, Jennifer Colas, Opens New Photography Studio in Pamplona, Spain
Jennifer Colas, a former student at Hugh Baird University Centre, has turned her dreams into reality with the opening of the Old Camera Photography Centre in Pamplona, Spain.
Jennifer completed her BA in Digital Imaging and Photography in 2019, as part of a personal development module during the course, Jennifer came up with the idea of the Old Camera Photography Centre. This was then launched in September 2023.
Since graduating, Jennifer has become a recognised photographer; working with the University of Jaen on a 13-year-long archaeological excavation, during which she worked with National Geographic. She has also hosted an exhibition at Revelat Festival in Barcelona and was recognised as a “Discoveries 2020” participant in PhotoESPAÑA2020, Spain’s most prestigious photographic festival.
Old Camera Photography Centre opened its doors in September and has quickly garnered significant interest and enthusiasm from the local community for its unique offer. The centre offers a diverse range
of courses and workshops, catering to individuals of all ages and photography backgrounds. Its prime exhibition space aims to become a focal point for photographers, artists, and the community; providing a platform for the celebration of visual culture.
In an interview with Jennifer’s former tutor, Tadgh Devlin, said,
I remember thinking it was really ambitious, but I knew she could do it as she was very positive and hugely energetic about her own work and photography in general. It’s inspiring to see what she has achieved and that she has gotten to where she predicted herself to be in 2019. Well done to her.
When speaking with Jennifer, she said,
“Hugh Baird University Centre was where I found my place in photography. Thanks to the help of my teachers, I experimented with analogue photography. We just opened our doors in September, and there has been considerable interest. There are lots of big plans for the future, and I am overwhelmed with the warm welcome that Old Camera Photography Centre has received.
For more information about the Old Cinema Photography Centre and what it offers, please visit:
Those wishing to find out more about Digital Imaging and Photography Degrees at the University Centre should visit: