Engineering students take a trip behind the scenes at energy giant, EDF Energy
Earlier this month, Hugh Baird College Level 3 Engineering students took a trip behind the scenes to EDF Energy’s nuclear power plant in Heysham. The site is unique to EDF Energy, as it is their only location to have two operating nuclear power stations.

The behind the scenes tour gave students the opportunity to explore how electricity is created in a fun and interactive way, teaching them about the future of energy and to understand more about how a huge organisation, like EDF Energy, generates energy.
The trip came at a perfect time for the students, as the tour linked with the modules the students are currently learn in college, such as; how energy is generated and health and safety considerations associated to working in a power plant.
John Paul Price, Hugh Baird College BTEC Level 3 Engineering student, said:
I really enjoyed the trip to EDF Energy, it really helped me to see what life could be like after college and working within the nuclear power industry. The trip also helped put the theory into practice for the modules I had been learning in college. Before the trip I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do after college, but with the information provided I now have chosen career path and I can’t wait to get started.
Martin Speed, Hugh Baird College Engineering Tutor, said:
It is key that all of our students are offered opportunities like this to help experience different types of employment opportunities and to support the work that they complete in class. Having visited Heysham Nuclear Power Station before, I understood the benefits to the students visiting the site as regards the employment and apprenticeship opportunities. I was also aware of the value the experience would be towards completing their course modules. Thanks again to the team at Heysham Nuclear Power Station for an educational, yet fun trip for all.
For more information on Hugh Baird College Engineering, Energy & Advanced Manufacturing courses, please visit: or alternatively, please call 0151 353 4444 for more information.