College doesn’t allow Lockdown to put a stop to their Open Events

Hugh Baird College are finding innovative ways to ensure that anyone with an interest in applying to one of their 300 plus courses, has the information they need to make the right choice about their next steps to realising their future career goals.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the College made the decision to cancel the open events they had planned in May and across the summer.

In place of open the events, throughout May and June, subject area specialists from all areas of the College will host a packed schedule of live online video talks to help inform prospective students of their options.

Once the sessions are over, recordings of the event will be available across the College’s social media platforms sessions for those who may have missed out on the live event.

The schedule of the upcoming events can be found by visiting and will cover all subject areas and qualifications that people can apply for online at

Please see the schedule below:

Date Time Subject
Monday 11th May 12:30pm Business, Law, Administration and Accounting
Wednesday 13th May 12:30pm Childcare, Teaching and Educational Development
Friday 15th May 12:30pm Computing and Digital Technologies
Monday 18th May 12:30pm Construction Crafts and Professional Construction
Wednesday 20th May 12:30pm Creative Media
Friday 22nd May 12:30pm Engineering, Energy and Advanced Manufacturing
Monday 25th May 12:30pm Floral Design
Wednesday 27th May 12:30pm Hairdressing, Beauty and Make Up
Friday 29th May 12:30pm Health, Social Care, Nursing and Dental
Monday 1st June 12:30pm Hospitality and Catering
Wednesday 3rd June 12:30pm Motor Vehicle / Motor Cycle
Friday 5th June 12:30pm Sport, Exercise and Fitness
Tuesday 9th June 12:30pm Teacher Training
Wednesday 10th June 12:30pm Travel and the Visitor Economy
Friday 12th June 12:30pm Public Services
Monday 15th June 12:30pm Learning for Life & Thornton
Wednesday 17th June 12:30pm Foundation Learning/Re-engage Programmes
Friday 19th June 12:30pm English, Maths and Science
Monday 22nd June 12:30pm English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Tuesday 23rd June 12:30pm Art, Design, Fashion & Textiles
Wednesday 24th June 12:30pm Access to Higher Education (HE)
Friday 26th June 12:30pm Apprenticeships & Traineeships
Monday 29th June 12:30pm Hugh Baird University Centre

To register your place at a virtual event, please visit: [](

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