BAFTA nominated 'Life After Suicide' Angela Samata talks to College and University Students
Hugh Baird College students recently heard from BAFTA nominated, and winner of the Mind Media Award for Best Factual TV documentary, 'Life After Suicide', Angela Samata.
The documentary describes Angela's own experience, and that of her children, after her partner took his own life 17 years ago. Angela travelled the length and breadth of the UK talking to others who had experienced the same loss. The documentary was aired as part of the BBC's Mental Health Season #InTheMind and was watched world-wide by over 5 million viewers.
Angela represents the views of those bereaved by suicide and was for 4 years, Chair, and is now Ambassador, of the Survivors of the Bereaved by Suicide, a nationwide charity offering a unique and distinct free service with online, face to face and telephone support to bereaved adults across the UK. Angela is also an invited attendee of the All Party Parliamentary Group looking at Suicide Prevention in England and Wales.
Angela spoke to students from across Hugh Baird College, including its College and University cohort, virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Angela's talk formed part of the Hugh Baird University Centre’s 'Spotlight on Employment' events programme, that is available for the who college to take part in. The schedule of events links students with a variety of leading figures and leaders from across a range of sectors. Speakers work with students to get them work ready and aware of the traits and attitudes employers look for when recruiting. Many speakers also draw on the trials and tribulations of their personal career paths to demonstrate that the road to success is rarely a smooth and that learners need to show resilience and learn and grow from their failures.
Speaking following the Spotlight on Employment event, Angela Samata said:
I was delighted to be asked to speak and share with students from across Hugh Baird College my journey and how it has led me to where I am now as part of their 'Spotlight on Employment' programme. It was great to see so many virtual faces and I would like to thank the students and staff for tuning in and listening, and for all the great questions. I hope my talk has helped not only with student’s academic studies, but also personally too.
Colette Mawdsley, Dean of Higher Education and Access at the Hugh Baird University said:
It was a pleasure to have Angela speak with students from across the College and it was great to see so many students tuning in and engaging with Angela via online questions. Our 'Spotlight on Employment' programme enhances our well-established Careers Advice and Guidance Service in which we strive to not only ensure our students leave career ready but also have all the support options available to them.
Angela's talk was a great insight for our students for their academic students in the health care setting and I would like to thank Angela again for taking the time to talk to our students.