A-level Biology students land top scores

Hugh Baird College A-level Biology students recently took part in the 2019 British Biology Olympiad. The British Biology Olympiad challenges and motivates students with an interest in Biology.

The competition also allows students to demonstrate their knowledge by offering a wide ranging syllabus all linking to modules taught at Hugh Baird College with some modules challenging the students to look further than what GCSEs and A-levels have taught them.

Eight of the Hugh Baird College A-level Biology students took part in the Olympiad and achieved great scores, with one student even achieving gold, Curtis Winter. The competition aimed to push the students out of their comfort zones and research into modules they were yet to cover in college.

A-level students Curtis Winter (gold), Katie Byrne (bronze), Liam Craven (bronze) and Cameron Ferguson (bronze) have now been given the opportunity to be added into the ballot for a place at the awards ceremony in London. All eight students performed extremely well, with Curtis landing in the top 7% and Katie, Liam and Cameron in the top 15%, the rest landing in the top 19% of 9465 competitors from 727 schools worldwide.

Katie Byrne, Hugh Baird College A-level Biology student, said:

Taking part in the British Biology Olympiad has helped increase my research and made me start to pushing myself to question things I have learnt at GCSE and A-level. The competition was challenging yet fun, I love all things Biology so I recommend for anyone to give it a try who does too.

Caroline Clift, Hugh Baird College A-level Biology Tutor, said:

The A-level Biology students did extremely well, all the students landed within the top 19%. This is a great achievement not just for the students but for Hugh Baird College as a whole.

For more information on A-level courses at Hugh Baird College, visit www.hughbaird.ac.uk/a-levels or alternatively call 0151 353 4444.

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