Joshua Kavanagh
Team Leader and Customer Helper at Jet2.

Team Leader and Customer Helper at Jet2.
Travel and the Visitor Economy - Levels 1 and 2.
Chesterfield High School, Crosby.
I am training to become a commercial airline pilot.
Joshua said: I decided to study the course at Hugh Baird College, as I knew I wanted to work within the travel industry, but wasn’t quite sure on what particular area.
When I first started at the College, I was really shy, but by the end of my second year, I was a different person.
During my time at Hugh Baird College, we had a counter terrorist specialist come in to talk to us all about the importance and duties of the Counter Terrorist Police Force. This knowledge I learnt, still helps me today in my current role as a Team Leader and Customer Helper at Jet 2 in Manchester Airport, whilst training to become a pilot.