
At Hugh Baird College we are committed to the best standards of education and training and the highest quality of teaching and achievement.

Did you know?

  • In 2023 the College's Level 3 and equivalent course pass rate was an impressive 94.7%, with students achieving 100% pass rates in Business, Childcare, Construction, Creative Arts, Engineering, Health and Science. Our Construction and Science provisions saw 100% of students achieving high grades.

  • In 2023 our T-level students achieved an overall pass rate of 96%, high above the national average of 90.5%.

  • In 2023 Hugh Baird College was ranked as the number 1 Further Education College across the country in national achievement rates for apprenticeships.

  • We were graded 'Good' by Ofsted in March 2018. This reflects our passion and commitment to the development of the students who choose to come to Hugh Baird College.

  • We work closely with the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership and employers to continuously review and develop our curriculum offer. This ensures our students have the best opportunity to progress, whether it be into employment or further study.

  • In 2021 the Government chose Hugh Baird College as the only education provider in the Liverpool City Region to pilot the delivery of new ‘revolutionary’ technical qualifications called T-levels.

  • We have been chosen by technology titan Microsoft as the only college in Merseyside, and one of only 17 colleges in the UK, to become a Microsoft Showcase College.

  • We have been commended in the prestigious national Association of Colleges (AoC) Beacon Awards 2020/21 for our innovative engagement with employers.

  • We have been named as finalists in the national Association of Colleges (AoC) Beacon Awards 2019/20 for our extensive and innovative partnership with the NHS.

  • In 2019, Hugh Baird College student, Malcolm Thwala, was been named as a finalist in the Adult Student of the Year Category of the Association of Colleges (AoC) Student of the Year awards.

  • Our vision is for growth and the development of strong industry partnerships. This ethos is evident in the development of our new £4m Healthcare Campus, home to a state-of-the-art Health Training Hub, in partnership with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust.

  • In 2018, Ellie Ferguson, a Hugh Baird College and Aintree University Hospital apprentice, was named Apprentice of the Year at the national Association of Colleges (AoC) Student of the Year Awards.

Latest Ofsted Report

Our latest Ofsted inspection report in March 2018 reflected all the hard work our leadership team, teaching staff, and support staff have put into Hugh Baird College, with ‘Good’ results for all our college-based courses. We’ve also been commended on the quality of our teaching, our personal development and support programmes, and the outcomes of our learners.

Quality and Awards
