Sport Exercise & Fitness

Kieran Brown

Studying for a degree in Sports and Exercise Science at Edge Hill University.


  1. Studying for a degree in Sports and Exercise Science at Edge Hill University.

  2. Range High School, Formby.

  3. I hope to see myself working in sport. I hope that my role will be as either a Coach, Assistant, or Instructor in the sports industry.

Kieran said:

Attending the Sport course at Hugh Baird College was great and definitely made me grow as a person. We went on lots of different trips which helped me in a number of ways, from gaining industry insights, to developing my team working skills and decision-making abilities.

The best thing about coming to College was the teaching staff, they’re amazing. They are really experienced in the field of sport and they want you to be successful in your course and future career. Without them, I wouldn’t be moving on to uni.

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